martedì 12 gennaio 2016

Intervista dell’Ambasciatore su National Catholic Register

Nell’intervista a tutto campo su National Catholic Register l’Ambasciatore d’Ungheria Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen affronta diverse tematiche: il suo incontro col Santo Padre, la questione di una eventuale visita del papa in Ungheria, la propria famiglia, il significato di essere un Asburgo oggi, la questione della migrazione e la relativa posizione ungherese, il papato di Francesco e la propria testi di dottorato sul tomismo.


Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen, Hungary’s new ambassador to the Holy See, believes it’s important to be positive about the direction Pope Francis is taking the Church and recognize that he is answering the call of a world “crying for a message of mercy.”

Habsburg-Lothringen, a native of Bavaria and member of the famous Habsburg family that ruled the Holy Roman Empire continuously between 1438 and 1740, sees the Holy Father as an “impressive” Pope who “knows what he wants.”

The great-great-great grandson of the late Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph I and a distant cousin of Blessed Charles I of Austria, who was beatified in 2004, Habsburg-Lothringen has spent much of his life in Austria. He was spokesman for Bishop Klaus Küng of Sankt Pölten before his appointment to Rome last year, but he is also a citizen of Hungary. His father, Michael, was born in the country.

The new ambassador is also a novelist and television producer, and he wrote a dissertation on Thomism, investigating why it largely disappeared after the mid-20th century but is now making a comeback.

In this interview at the Hungarian Embassy to the Holy See in Rome, Habsburg-Lotheringen discussed a number of subjects, including his recent meeting with the Holy Father, Hungary’s controversial policy regarding the refugee crisis, and the time when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger urged him to write a detective thriller. (…)”

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